Fesenmyer is your Consumer Warrior

Get Debt Relief. Work with Our Mansfield, OH Bankruptcy Lawyers

You Can Get Many Debts Forgiven Through Bankruptcy

How do you know if bankruptcy is right for you? The skilled Mansfield, OH bankruptcy attorneys at Fesenmyer Law Offices, LLC can help. We understand that financial problems can happen to even the most well-intentioned people and are here to take the burden off you.

Many American families find themselves heavily laden with debt, often through no fault of their own. Responsible, hardworking citizens can be hit with unexpected medical bills, job loss, or other expensive financial setbacks. Debts keep mounting, you are harassed by creditors and may be faced with foreclosure of your house, repossession of your car, utilities being shut off, and garnishment of your wages. It’s a difficult situation, and you don’t know where to turn.

The good news is that there are choices, solutions, and help that is available to get you past this crisis and provide the fresh start you need. Bankruptcy, a legal way to have many debts forgiven, can put you on the road to financial recovery. If you’re a good candidate for bankruptcy, filing can keep creditors from harassing you and seizing your possessions, allow debts to be forgiven, and provide a way for you to keep your assets and begin to rebuild your life.

We offer a free consultation to evaluate your financial situation, and can help by looking at your income, your debts and your goals and coming up with a plan that’s best for you.

Our bankruptcy attorneys in Mansfield have helped thousands of families across the state, and we can do the same for you. When you call us at 1-877-654-5297, we can review your case, explain your options, and help you decide where to go from here.

How Do I Choose a Bankruptcy Attorney in Mansfield?

We know there are several Mansfield bankruptcy lawyers out there to choose from, and we are confident that our attorneys at Fesenmyer Law Offices, LLC are among the most skilled and affordable.

Bankruptcy laws can be complex. If you’re looking for legal solutions to difficult financial problems, then you want a skilled and experienced Mansfield bankruptcy attorney at your side. Our Mansfield attorneys specialize in bankruptcy and have decades of legal experience and financial knowledge. We know the intricate details of federal and state laws, and we will work with each client to choose the best path possible for every individual circumstance. At our firm, you will meet directly with the attorney who will be handling your case. We will help you determine what type of bankruptcy is right for you and be there for you throughout the entire process, answering your questions and addressing your concerns.

We understand that those struggling to deal with debt cannot afford to be burdened with large attorney fees, so we make our services as affordable as possible, and can save you money by preventing you from making costly mistakes. We will help you determine what type of bankruptcy is right for you and be there for you throughout the entire process, answering your questions and addressing your concerns.

Call us at 1-877-654-5297 to learn what options are available so you can get relief from your debt as soon as possible.

Our Bankruptcy Attorney in Mansfield Explains the Types of Personal Bankruptcy

The most common types of personal bankruptcy are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13.

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy: Chapter 7 will discharge (eliminate) most or all consumer and/or business debts so they no longer have to be paid. If your income is too low to pay credit card bills, medical bills, utilities, payday loans or personal loans, this may be the best option for you. Chapter 7 bankruptcy is over in a few months, so you can begin rebuilding credit quickly. There are Ohio bankruptcy exemptions that list types of property that cannot be sold, including clothing, cars, equipment used for work (like tools) and household furnishings. If you do not own a great deal of property, your possessions may be all be exempt, qualifying you for a “no asset” case.

Not everyone is eligible for Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection. Your income and debt will be subjected to something called a “means test” to determine if you qualify.

Chapter 13: Under Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you can repay some or all of your debt affordably over a three to five-year period. This plan is best for people who don’t qualify for Chapter 7, and who have a steady income, temporary financial problems and a desire to repay some of the debt in order to keep an asset such as a car or a house. Chapter 13 allows you to consolidate your payments to avoid fees and fines. Plus, there is an automatic stay provision of Ohio bankruptcy law that requires that harassing phone calls and letters from your creditors stop during this time. If you successfully complete the court-approved payment plan, the debts covered by the plan are discharged.

Affordable Bankruptcy Attorney in Mansfield Helps Discharge Eligible Debts

Many Debts Can be Eliminated in Bankruptcy, but there are some that cannot.

It’s important to know which debts can be discharged in bankruptcy and which ones will remain. In addition, debts can be treated differently depending on whether you file Chapter 7 or Chapter 13. Ohio exemption laws do not protect you from every debt or creditor. In a nutshell, here are the debts that typically cannot be discharged:

  • Child Support
  • Most Student Loans
  • Tax Debts
  • Debts Incurred Through Fraud or Theft

These are called “nondischargeable debts”. While bankruptcy may not relieve you of every debt you have, it does allow you to discharge medical, credit card, and several other forms of consumer debt, which makes it easier to pay the nondischargeable debts that remain.

Our Mansfield Bankruptcy Lawyer Answers FAQs

If you’re considering filing for bankruptcy, it’s natural to have questions and concerns. Here are some questions that our bankruptcy lawyers in Mansfield are often asked.

How do I Choose the Right Attorney?

First, you want to find a bankruptcy lawyer in Mansfield, Ohio, who is affordable. While some lawyers charge a flat fee for bankruptcy cases, others charge by the hour. It’s important to find out about lawyer fees before making a decision about which law firm to hire. At Fesenmyer Law Offices, LLC, we pride ourselves on being one of the most affordable bankruptcy law firms in the area. We know you are facing financial difficulties, and we want to do all we can to make our legal services affordable. That’s why our fees are extremely competitive. Even without an attorney, the courts have filing fees, and those are the same throughout Ohio. The real difference in costs are attorneys’ fees.

Can a Mansfield bankruptcy lawyer stop the harassing phone calls and letters from creditors?

Yes. Due to the automatic stay provision of bankruptcy laws, you get immediate relief when your Mansfield bankruptcy lawyer files your case. We put your creditors on notice so all harassment stops.

There are laws in place that say once a person files for bankruptcy, all harassment by creditors must stop. That means your phone will stop ringing and your mailbox will no longer be flooded with letters from creditors. You no longer have to avoid phone calls and let unopened mail pile up on the dining room table. Creditors can no longer try to contact you at work or contact your family members.

What are Ohio Bankruptcy Exemptions?

Ohio has many bankruptcy exemptions you can use to protect some property when filing for bankruptcy, such as a home, car, and retirement account. Exemptions are protected from being seized in a bankruptcy procedure. Some Ohio exemptions include:

  • Ohio Homestead Exemption: protects equity in real estate or tangible personal property that you or your dependents use as a residence, including your home, condominium, or mobile home. You must reside in the property when bankruptcy is filed.
  • Ohio Motor Vehicle Exemption: up to the allowed amount of equity in one vehicle.
  • Ohio Wildcard Exemption: allows you to exempt any property of your choosing up to the allowed amount. (Ohio Rev. Code Ann. 2329.66(A)(18).)
  • Personal Property: including specific amounts for cash, jewelry, household goods and furnishings, tools of the trade, spousal or child support, a burial plot, and a percentage of wages.
  • Pension and Retirement Benefits
  • Miscellaneous Ohio Exemptions including: 529 savings plans, benevolent society death benefits, crime victim’s compensation received during 12 months before filing, disability assistance payments, earned income tax credit and child tax credit, unemployment compensation benefits, vocational rehabilitation benefits, and workers’ compensation.

Exemptions change periodically. You can verify exemption amounts on the Ohio Legislature’s website, or by consulting with our Mansfield bankruptcy lawyers who will help you understand how the exemptions apply to you.

When Can I Use Ohio Bankruptcy Exemptions?

You must live in Ohio at least 730 days before filing, before using Ohio exemptions. Otherwise, you would use your previous state’s exemptions.

If you weren’t living in any particular state during the two years before filing for bankruptcy, you would use the exemptions of the state you lived in for most of the 180 days before the two-year period that immediately preceded your filing. (11 U.S.C. § 522(b)(3)(A).)

Also, to claim the total value of the Ohio homestead exemption, you must have purchased and owned the property for at least 1,215 days before filing for bankruptcy, or your homestead exemption is limited by federal law.

How Much Does a Bankruptcy Lawyer in Mansfield Cost?

Attorney fees vary, based on factors such as how complicated your case is and which chapter you are filing under. Attorneys typically charge more to handle Chapter 13 cases, which are more complex than Chapter 7. Attorneys also charge more if there are special issues that require spending more time to resolve. Many bankruptcy lawyers in Mansfield offer free consultations, and they should explain how they charge and give you an advance estimate of what your fees should be.

At Fesenmyer Law Offices, LLC, we invite you to compare our services and fees with those of other law firms in the area. We think you will be pleasantly surprised. We pride ourselves on keeping our costs low and not piling up add-on fees. Because we are highly experienced and specialize in bankruptcy, we offer a streamlined approach that is very affordable. By efficiently analyzing your situation and your options, we can prevent you from making mistakes that can wind up costing you more in the long run.

So if you’re looking for an affordable Mansfield bankruptcy attorney, our team is your best choice. Our satisfied clients think so, too.

Get Help from Our Mansfield Bankruptcy Lawyer Today

During your consultation at Fesenmyer Law Offices, LLC, we will evaluate your entire financial situation by looking at your income, your debts and your goals, and we will discuss the best fit for your financial situation. We will make sure you are aware of all your options and help you decide on the path to a brighter future that makes sense in your individual case. We understand that those struggling to deal with debt cannot afford to be burdened with large attorney fees, so we make our services as affordable as possible, and we will be there for you throughout the entire bankruptcy process.

Delaying can only make your situation worse, so call our Mansfield, Ohio bankruptcy attorneys today at 1-877-654-5297 to get your free consultation. We can determine what debt relief solutions will work best for you.

Attorney Tom Fesenmyer

Attorney Thomas M. Fesenmyer (Tom) is dedicated to helping his clients solve their financial issues in a timely and cost-effective manner. Tom has personally filed several thousand cases and has the expertise to achieve immediate results for his clients, including stopping Foreclosures, Repossessions, Wage Garnishments, Law Suits, Utility Shut-offs, Creditor Harassment, Bank Attachments, and Pay-Day Loans. Tom’s goal for all of his clients is asset protection and debt elimination.[ Attorney Bio ]


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