Fesenmyer is your Consumer Warrior

We assist clients in stopping wage garnishments, law suits, utility shut-offs, bank attachments, foreclosures, and repossessions.

  • BANKRUPTCY: Are you trapped by overwhelming debt? Is foreclosure, repossession, wage garnishment or a bank account levy a real threat? Bankruptcy protection can provide the fresh start you need.
    • Frequently Asked Questions About Bankruptcy: The experienced Ohio personal bankruptcy attorneys at Fesenmyer Law Offices, LLC offer these general answers to frequently asked questions for individuals who find themselves in tough financial straights.
    • Chapter 7: Are you struggling to deal with situations such as layoffs and downsizing, overwhelming medical and credit card bills and other mounting debts?
    • Chapter 13: As you consider your debt relief options, you may determine that bankruptcy offers the best combination of protections and opportunities.
    • Chapter 13 Vs. Loan Modification: Bankruptcy is a legal way to have many debts forgiven, and can put you on the road to financial recovery. Loan modification is another option. When you modify your mortgage, you may be able to have your lender change the terms of your loan to make it more affordable.
    • Understanding Different Chapters of Bankruptcy: Filing for bankruptcy can be confusing due to the different choices available. The United States Bankruptcy Code provides five types of bankruptcy. Each is identified by the chapter of the code that describes it, and each serves a different purpose.
    • Bankruptcy for the Self-Employed: Even the best-run businesses can run into financial difficulty, and you may be one of the many self-employed people in Ohio struggling to meet expenses.
    • Tax Debt: People often think that they cannot eliminate their tax debts through bankruptcy, but this is a misconception. Many income tax debts and even Ohio state taxes, can be discharged through Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcies.
    • Child Support & Alimony Payments: If you or your ex files for bankruptcy in Ohio, what happens to child support and alimony payments? What if these payments are already in arrears? Is bankruptcy a way to escape making these payments?
    • Creditors’ Rights When Reclaiming Debt: If you owe money to creditors, it pays to know what weapons they have to enable them to collect from you
    • Student Loans Debt: The cost of a college education has become so high that student loan balances are increasing faster than any other category of debt.
    • Debt Consolidation or Bankruptcy?: If dealing with bills and creditors has become overwhelming, you may be wondering whether debt consolidation or bankruptcy would be the better way to get you out of debt. The answer is complex and depends on your individual situation and factors such as your income, employment, assets, and whether you own a home.
    • What Can and Cannot Be Discharged In Bankruptcy?: Bankruptcy is a powerful legal tool that can wipe out or greatly reduce consumer debt. Through Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, a debtor has a chance at a fresh start.
    • Stop Collections and Lawsuits: The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) is intended to protect consumers from overreaching debt collection practices, such as abuse, deception and late-night phone calls.
    • What Can I Keep?: Many people put off considering bankruptcy as a form of debt relief because they are afraid of losing valuable assets in the process.
    • What Are the Differences Between Filing Jointly and Filing Individually?: If you and your spouse have gotten yourselves into a financial hole and are considering bankruptcy as a solution, you might be wondering whether it is better to file for bankruptcy individually or to do it jointly.
    • Alternatives to Bankruptcy: If you’re overwhelmed by debt but don’t want to file bankruptcy, there are alternatives you may be able to take.
    • Automatic Stay: The moment you file for bankruptcy in Ohio, a powerful injunction called an automatic stay goes into effect. Once this is in place, you can no longer be barraged with harassing letters and telephone calls from creditors attempting to collect what is owed.
    • Consumer Bankruptcy Glossary: Consumer bankruptcy is designed to eliminate all of your dischargeable debt and give you a financial fresh start.
    • Common Mistakes When Filing for Bankruptcy: The bankruptcy process is complex, and mistakes can result in complications that can cause your discharge of debts to be denied or, even worse, be considered fraudulent and lead to criminal charges.
    • Common Questions About Bankruptcy: The experienced Ohio bankruptcy attorneys at Fesenmyer Law Offices, LLC can help you navigate the maze of regulations, recognize which debts may be discharged, and determine what is the best chapter for you to file.
    • Life After Bankruptcy: You need to take steps to change your thinking and spending habits, rebuild your credit, meet your expenses, and even find ways to save and build for your future.
  • FORECLOSURES: The threat of foreclosure is one of the greatest fears of a homeowner with mortgage troubles. Fear of losing your home can derail your sense of security.
  • DEBT SETTLEMENT: The process of settling your debt begins with a consultation. A debt settlement attorney will look at your finances and develop a plan of action. An attorney can assess whether debt settlement is a viable option, given your type of debt and current income level.
  • HANDLING DEBT AFTER JOB LOSS: While it is difficult to get through financial problems brought on by job loss, there are some prudent steps to take to strengthen your financial situation and keep up with bills.
  • LICENSE SUSPENSION AND BANKRUPTCY: Having your driver’s license suspended is a major inconvenience that can cause problems with your work, personal, and financial life. If you can’t drive, you may not be able to get to work, which means you can’t earn the money to pay bills and debts.
  • PAYDAY LOANS/CHECK ADVANCING: Payday loans are regarded by many people as insidious practices designed to gouge people least able to protect themselves from exploitation.
  • REPOSSESSIONS: If you fall behind in making payments on your loans, you might be worried about having creditors repossess something you own — your car, your home, your new appliances, etc.
  • STOP LAWSUITS: There is still hope even if a creditor has sued you. Filing bankruptcy can stop most lawsuits in their tracks and discharge your liability on a judgment.
  • UNFAIR DEBT COLLECTION: Debt collector harassment is not legal, and there are federal and Ohio laws that prevent unfair debt collection.
  • WAGE GARNISHMENTS: If you are overwhelmed with bad debt and a judge rules you owe your creditors money, the creditors have the right to garnish your wages.

Attorney Tom Fesenmyer

Attorney Thomas M. Fesenmyer (Tom) is dedicated to helping his clients solve their financial issues in a timely and cost-effective manner. Tom has personally filed several thousand cases and has the expertise to achieve immediate results for his clients, including stopping Foreclosures, Repossessions, Wage Garnishments, Law Suits, Utility Shut-offs, Creditor Harassment, Bank Attachments, and Pay-Day Loans. Tom’s goal for all of his clients is asset protection and debt elimination.[ Attorney Bio ]


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