Fesenmyer is your Consumer Warrior

Can You Fight a Credit Card Lawsuit in Ohio?

If you’re facing tough times financially and you’ve been sued by your credit card company, you’re undoubtedly wondering what to do. Can you fight a credit card lawsuit in Ohio? Yes, you can. In fact, you may have more options than you realize. What to Do If a Credit Card Company Sues You in Ohio If a credit card company sues you, you likely have significant credit card debt and have not been making payments for months. In Ohio,... CONTINUE READING

Debt Collections after COVID in Ohio

We may be past the worst days of the COVID-19 pandemic, but the financial hardships that it has caused for so many Ohioans continue. Debt collections after COVID-19 in Ohio are in full force for some. While some COVID-19 debt collection restrictions are still in place, others have subsided. If you are in debt and are facing creditors, know that you still have rights, options, and protections. When dealing with debt collections, be sure to understand your options. Recovering from the financial... CONTINUE READING

How to Stop a Debt Collection Lawsuit

Imagine walking to the mailbox to collect your mail, and there’s a fat envelope with debt lawsuit papers inside. You're shocked, scared, and overwhelmed — now what? If you’ve been sued for a debt, you probably have many questions, and at Fesenmyer Law Offices, LLC, we have answers about how to stop a debt collection lawsuit. We represent people just like you who are facing constant notices and even sued by creditors or threatened with le... CONTINUE READING

How long can a debt collector legally pursue old debt?

In uncertain times, a person can become overwhelmed by debt and default on their payments. This is especially true if you face unexpected circumstances like job loss, natural disaster, or a devastating medical diagnosis. So you may be asking yourself, “How long can a debt collector legally pursue old debt?” The statute of limitations on debt in Ohio is six years. After six years, a debt collector cannot take legal action against you to recover old debt. Debt that is p... CONTINUE READING



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    Can You Stop Foreclosure in Ohio After Receiving the First Notice?

    Receiving anything from a mortgage lender that mentions the words “foreclosure” or “legal action” can be overwhelming. As soon as they read those words, many people have trouble understanding the rest of the notice. However, receiving a first notice from your mortgage lender does not mean...