How Bankruptcy Can Stop Car Repossession

Facing repossession of your vehicle is a scary prospect. Quite simply, you need your car to carry out day-to-day activities. So if you’re facing repossession of your car or are behind on payments, read on to learn how bankruptcy can stop car repossession. State Laws Provide Bankruptcy Exemptions Many people assume declaring bankruptcy means you lose everything. But that’s typically not the case. State laws pro... CONTINUE READING

Can Bankruptcy Stop Vehicle Repossessions and Lawsuits for Vehicle Debt?

If your creditors file a lawsuit and get a judgment against you, they are allowed to repossess your vehicle and other property, foreclose on your home, and garnish your wages. Not only can you lose the house you live in or the car you have relied on to get to work, but you also lose the value you already made in payments. Fortunately, it can take several months for creditors to get a judgment, so you have time to act to protect your property. Even if your vehicle has... CONTINUE READING

Protecting Your Firearms in Bankruptcy

If you are a gun owner who is worried about losing your weapons when filing for bankruptcy, there is good news. Both Ohio and federal bankruptcy laws exempt certain property, so your guns may be part of the property you wind up keeping. Most of the time, the federal property exemption is large enough to protect your firearms; but what is even better is that Ohio is one of the states that specifically names firearms in its list... CONTINUE READING



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    Average Debt by Age – Where Do You Stack Up?

    Debt keeps rising in the United States, especially in certain age brackets. If you’re wondering how your household debt stacks up against that of others in your age group, taking a quick look at the numbers can help you see where you stand on the national scale. The skilled and season...