Fesenmyer is your Consumer Warrior

How Can the Elderly Stop Paying Credit Card Debts?

Financial difficulties have been affecting people more and more, and that includes senior citizens. The need for elderly credit card debt relief is growing. When you look at the statistics, that’s no surprise. Nearly 4 million adults aged 65 and older had unpaid medical bills in 2020, according to the National Council on Aging. In 2001, only 24.2 percent of households with seniors carried credit card debt. By 2016, more than 34.2 percent of senior households had credit card debt. And the CO... CONTINUE READING

Maximize Your Savings on a Tight Budget

If you are living on a tight budget, you are probably struggling just to meet your expenses each month and may not even be thinking of putting aside money for savings.  You need to change this mindset, as many experts feel that if you wish to retire and still maintain your lifestyle, you should have enough savings to cover 70% of your pre-retirement income each year. Saving enough to retire may seem like an unattainable goal, and if you are not on track to save for retirement, you are not alon... CONTINUE READING

A Rule of Thumb for Retirement Savings

In order to live comfortably in retirement, we have to save during our working years.  What we don’t know is how much we need to save to have enough during retirement and how much we can withdraw from our savings so that we can enjoy our “golden years” while making sure our money lasts as long as we do. The skilled and seasoned Ohio debt-relief attorneys at Fesenmyer Law Offices, LLC understand that financial problems can happen to even the... CONTINUE READING

Financial Crimes Against the Elderly

The elderly population in America is growing, and with the increase comes more instances of seniors being exploited and abused. In addition to physical and emotional abuse, financial crimes against seniors are increasing with alarming frequency.  In 1998, the National Center on Elder Abuse estimated that nearly one-third of all elder abuse cases involved financial exploitation. In 2000, the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging reported $40 billion in losses to telemarketing fraud alone. Th... CONTINUE READING



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    Can You Stop Foreclosure in Ohio After Receiving the First Notice?

    Receiving anything from a mortgage lender that mentions the words “foreclosure” or “legal action” can be overwhelming. As soon as they read those words, many people have trouble understanding the rest of the notice. However, receiving a first notice from your mortgage lender does not mean...